Article 20 The state promotes the development of the natural and social sciences, disseminates knowledge of science and technology, and commends and rewards achievements in scientific research as well as technological innovations and inventions. 第二十条国家发展自然科学和社会科学事业,普及科学和技术知识,奖励科学研究成果和技术发明创造。
The Analysis of Knowledge Management Science Development Based on System Dynamics 知识管理学演进发展的系统动力学分析
I'm ashamed of my ignorance, and I aspire after knowledge of science and technology. 我为自己的无知感到羞愧,我渴望得到科学技术知识。
Although we have superficial knowledge to science, we were filled with enthusiasm. 虽然我们对科学一知半解,但我们充满了热情。
Technology culture is a complicated system that has been formed with the developing course of science and technology, the system has its characters including technology contents, science knowledge, science spirit and science thinking mode. 摘要科技文化是在科学技术发展过程中所形成的具有自身特征的科技器物、科学知识、科学精神、科学思维方式的复杂体系。
What were needed for the protection of the Dunhuang grottoes were knowledge and science. 敦煌石窟的保护需要的是知识和科学。
This not only is contrary to the facts, but also lacks basic knowledge of science and technology. 这不仅违背了事实,而且也缺乏基本的科技常识。
The Knowledge Science Research on Teacher-student Relationship from the Perspective of Education Equity 教育平等视角下师生关系的知识学研究
He lists the complex rules of different cultures, knowledge of science, technology and policy and the blurring lines between public and private organisations. 他列举了因素包括,不同文化里的复杂规则,对于科学、技术和政策的知识,以及公共组织和私营组织之间的逐渐模糊的界限。
Teachers'pedagogical content knowledge for science is an important aspect of the research of science education and teacher education. 教师科学教育知识是当前科学教育与教师教育研究的重要问题。
Realizing it will help enhance our rational knowledge of science and help develop science purposefully and conscientiously. 认识到这一点,有助于提高人们对科学的理性认识,增强发展科学的目的性和自觉性。
He has a comprehensive knowledge of science. 他对科学有整体性的了解。
He hasn't much knowledge of science. 他没有多少科学知识。
He has a sound knowledge of science. 他有良好的科学知识。
It is by obtaining a good knowledge of science, that we can live successfully in modern society. 我们只有掌握丰富的科学知识,才能在现代社会中获得成功。
In essence, library collection is the public knowledge and Library Science is the pubic knowledge management science. 图书馆馆藏资源的本质是公共知识,图书馆学就是公共知识管理学。
Child as he is, he knows much knowledge of science. 尽管还是个孩子,他懂得很多科学知识。
There will be more new farmers with the basic knowledge of science and technology, laws and management. 将有用科学技术,法律和管理的基础知识的更新的农场主。
A detailed knowledge of science is not necessarily the most important requirement. 对科学的详细了解不一定是最重要的要求。
I must admit that my knowledge of science is patchy. 我必须承认我的科学知识只是一鳞半爪。
As a result of the transfer, the way of the economic development is depend on the knowledge science and the HR capital. 我们要尽快适应新经济时代的发展要求,将对物质资本的依赖转为大力促进人力资本投资,使经济增长方式切实转到依靠科技进步、依靠人力资本的轨道上来。
Thus, value science is different from theory of value/ axiology ( or philosophy of value) and therefore knowledge science from theory of knowledge and philosophy of science. 因此,应当建立价值科学。价值科学不同于哲学意义上的价值论(价值哲学)。
The information technology, knowledge science and intelligent technology are the development trend in computer science at present and in future. 信息、知识、智能是现在和未来计算机科学发展的主题;
Meta-synthesis and Knowledge Science 综合集成与知识科学
This paper brings forward the conception of PK from the point of view of knowledge science. 本文从知识科学的高度,提出流程知识的概念,指出流程的知识本质。
This article, on the base of analyzing some problems in current Artificial Intelligence research field, proposes through strengthening the Knowledge Science research and developing Knowledge Engineering to promote Artificial Intelligence development in the theory and the practice level. 在分析当前人工智能研究中存在的一些问题的基础上,提出通过加强知识科学研究,发展知识工程,从理论与实践层面上促进人工智能的发展。
This paper discuss beginning of knowledge management, presents that knowledge chain management is new management mode of knowledge enterprise, information integration come into knowledge integration, knowledge system and knowledge science will is new direction of knowledge management research. 本文讨论了知识管理的起源,提出了知识链管理是知识型企业的新的管理模式,信息集成进入知识集成阶段,知识系统工程和知识科学将是知识管理发展的新方向。
Popper's historical philosophy is not attached to but deeply rooted in the scientific philosophy of critical rationalism and the objective knowledge science. 波普尔的历史哲学并非仅仅附属于其科学哲学,它与批判理性主义的科学哲学和客观知识学说有着盘根错节的联系,并且从中独立出来,充分显示了其自主性。
The algorithm has been implemented and applied to developing a new concept mapping tool by KSEI ( abbr. of Institute of Knowledge Science and Engineering) at Beijing Normal University. 该算法已通过编程实现,并成功应用于我们自主研发的概念图工具软件中。
Rise and development of the knowledge science 知识科学的兴起和发展